A port of places, people, and work; a port of monuments and rituals, faces, stories, and tradition; a port of identities, languages, perspectives,
The Trieste Coastal Fishing Museum - in Slovenian Ribiški muzej tržaškega primorja - was founded in 2000, together with the cultural association
Depicting the island of Vis is impossible without comprehending its relation to the fishermen of the open sea islands in Central Dalmatia, whose base
The commencement of modern fishing Josip Ressel - The inventor of the propeller Many important inventions on modern fishing boats for deep
Josef Ressel (1793 - 1857) forestry officer and inventor of the naval propeller In 1821 Josef Ressel, an illustrious forestry official and inventor
There are many port jobs, from manual work related to loading and unloading to the administrative and bureaucratic part. There is the Maintenance
Click on the pics to discover each port city and enter its virtual museum