Shrine of Our Lady of Trsat – story of the shrine of the patron saint of seamen
The devil and the land lot 666
Above the first port in Rječina river mouth, within the reach of the seamen, The Shrine of Our Lady of Trsat, the patron saint of seamen is located.
It is believed that the painting of the Mother of God with the baby had the power to save people from a certain death. On a long journey back home, beaten by the stormy winds, seamen were praying to the Mother of God while ther wives, mothers or sisters came to the miraculous icon on their knees as a sign of gratitude for the mercy. Testimonies about miraculous deliverance are as numerous as the collection of votive gifts, containing 23 ship models and 38 paintings of sailing and steam boats in the storm. Besides, well kept is a newspaper article with a picture of Titanic, being a gift from Carpathia crew member (Carpathia saved 705 passengers from Titanic).
Another ancient and fearless votive gift to Mary are the stairs connecting the sanctuary with Delta. The Petar Kružić Staircase starting with the baroque arch with the relief of Mary, Consoler of the Afflicted, was constructed by captain Petar Kružić, who was later buried in the chapel.
There are many stairs and noone knows the exact number!
Many people have tried to count them. Everyone comes to a different number. This fact confirms the legend about the devil who, being angry that the stairs don’t lead to a tavern, ruined everything, so that noone could ever count them. Try to count them yourself!