The Lighthouse of Victory is a monument of particular historical and engineering interest in the city of Trieste. It was built between 15 January
The Diocletian Palace Substructures represent one of the best preserved ancient complexes of their kind in the world, and hence are in many ways
From the outside rectangular, and from the inside circular ground plan of this old imperial court, Vestibule leaves a monumental impression even to
Their original, Roman name was PORTA OCCIDENTALIS, and they are one of the four through which life flowed during all 17 centuries of the history of
Porta orientalis is their Roman name. These gates were used to enter the palace from the east towards the west, through the main street, decumanus,
Porta septemtrionalis is their Roman name. Emperor Diocletian walked through them as he entered the Palace on the 1st of June 305. They were built in
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