Amid the masts of the sailboats, the chiming becomes a poetical and deafening concert. Ancona and its port are a landing place and a destination, a long-awaited haven and a long wished-for departure. A beating heart, thousands of years old, enlivened by maritime activities and breathtaking coastlines set in a strategic position. Between East and West, near to Croatia, Greece, Albania, and Montenegro. A civilisation among civilisations. Marina Dorica – the anchorage dedicated to travellers and seafaring enthusiasts – is a modern marina, a useful infrastructure for those crossing the Adriatic Sea. It was born of a passion for the sea and ensures high level services. In keeping with a long tradition of openness and professionalism, Marina Dorica has long been one of the largest and most modern marinas in Italy, awarded the Blue Flag since 2011.
Text: Cristiana Colli